Thursday, December 3, 2009

Back to work, finally

I would never have guessed that a puppy could be so much work.

Mabel's almost 5 months old and she's not even close to being house trained. Since Mabel is sequestered in the kitchen, I try to work there but I never get that much done. So now I crate her for a couple of hours every morning and escape to my studio.

I just finished the jacket for the 6th book in the Emma chapter book series (Happily Ever Emma written by Sally Warner). It's coming out in 2011. Usually I do the cover last (after the interior sketches) but this time Viking needed the jacket to show at a sales conference.
First I did some sketches.

Nancy, the book designer at Viking, chose one that I then revised. Below is Nancy's comp.

After that, I created the final art.

Now I have to draw 35 sketches for the interior of the book...and I'm already behind. I think I need to find some day care for Mabel.